Amidst ongoing land disputes, litigants voiced their frustration, urging Justice Minister Nobert Mao and Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny Dollo to intervene, expressing a loss of faith in the judicial system.
During the inaugural national court open day organized by the Judiciary at Kololo Independence Grounds, Chief Justice Dollo addressed the litigants’ concerns by advocating for alternative dispute resolution to expedite the resolution of long-standing cases.
The event brought together stakeholders from various sectors within the justice system, providing a platform for litigants to voice their grievances. Allegations of corruption and misconduct by some lawyers, particularly in land disputes, were among the issues raised.
Dr. Sylivia Namubiru, Executive Director of Legal Aid Service Provider’s Network, criticized the government for its failure to push for the Legal Aid Bill, a sentiment echoed by Bernard Oundo, President of the Uganda Law Society, who highlighted the public’s reluctance to engage with the courts.
In response, Minister of Justice Nobert Mao commended the Judiciary’s dedication to delivering justice to all, emphasizing ongoing efforts to address the challenges faced by litigants.